About the databases

Our databases are specific to the Channel Islands, England, Isle of Man, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales. All our data is sourced organically. No data is ever purchased from list brokers.

All our data is all B2B. Emails, where held are GDPR compliant. The email data is not opt-in.

All telephone data, both landline and mobile, are regularly run through the CTPS and TPS checker.

Main methods of keeping the data current

Automated replies from client email campaigns
Each time an email campaign is sent, we receive the automated email replies. This allows us to update those contacts that have left a company, identify sites that have ceased trading and find new details listed in an email.

Direct mail returns
We pay our clients to send us the returns from any direct mail campaigns. This allows us to update site details. 

Website and facebook checks
We regularly check websites are active and the last post dates on facebook are current.

Telephone updating
We pay our clients to send us the lists of incorrect telephones used in telesales campaigns. This allows us to update details. We also regularly call companies to update their details.

Consumer media and trade media
The team regularly update details listed in the consumer and trade media.

Data Protection

All email campaigns carried out by RP Databases Ltd abide by the GDPR regulations.

All the email addresses held are B2B email addresses. The data is not opt-in data.

RP Databases Ltd will never send out an email campaign where the following are not included:

  • Unsubscribe facility
  • Contact name
  • Email
  • Full address details
  • A message appropriate to the recipient - "legitimate interest"

The email broadcast platform used by RP Databases Ltd, maintain a national register of email addresses that do not wish to receive external correspondence.

RP Databases Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. 

RP Databases Ltd will not send out an email campaign without written confirmation from the client all previous unsubscribes from any campaign they have carried out have been matched against the email data held by RP Databases ltd

Database Integrity

All data we supply contains mousetraps/seeds embedded within the data to guard against unauthorised use.

All email campaigns are run through an email broadcast platform.